Health and Safety Awareness
A two day training course designed to cover specific health and safety issues relating to the Amenity Horticulture Sector
There is no pre-requisite for the course, those employed will have a greater degree of examples to assist with the application examples given
The course is structured around the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and associated legislation and relates to the specific duties of the employer, employee and others that are affected by the workplace and associated work activities.
The course structure is designed to raise awareness by covering key topic areas:-
What is Health and safety?
How does the legislative framework work?
What responsibilities do the: - employer, employee, contractors and others have?
What are Hazards and risks and where are present in the workplace?
How is risk determined and control measures applied?
Use of Risk assessment methods?
What are the major causes of accidents and incidents and what impact does this have on the business and individual?
What specific tasks require further training or competency